Thursday Thirteen

Posted by Jakey at 15:33

Thursday 14 February 2008

This is my first Thursday Thirteen. Leo and I have decided to take it in turns to do the Thursday Thirteen meme. He wanted to have the first turn, but he's too busy snoring in his furry radiator bed at the moment to bother. Also, the Thursday Thirteen people want Valentine-themed posts today - and he's too nasty to write nice, loving things. He'd write about 'Thirteen reasons why I love biting humans' or 'Thirteen birdies I'd love to murderify'. He's such a cruel, lazy, fat cat!

Look how his bed sags under his weight:

Okay, here we go.

Thirteen Things reasons why I love my humane bean

1.... She is very kind to me.

2.... She does fabulous chin scritches.

3.... She lets me cuddle up and get warm.

4.... She lets me give her lots of kisses.

5.... She saves me from Leo when he's nasty.

6.... She keeps my litter tray nice and clean.

7.... She stops Leo stealing my prescription food.

8.... She gives me occasional treats of chicken or fish.

9.... She buys me nice toys to play with.

10... I'm allowed to sleep on the bed at night.

11... When I have to go to the vet's, she makes sure my cage is all warm and cosy.

12... She bought me a nice new catnip pillow.

13... She's kept me safe for over fourteen years.

So there you have it. My first Thursday Thirteen.

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

ABC Wednesday is not here!

Posted by Jakey at 13:26

Wednesday 13 February 2008

Hello there! If you are looking for ABC Wednesday, it is on our humane bean's blog, Siani's Pot-Pourri. She chose the wrong blog from the list stored in Firefox's auto-complete feature, when she added the link to Mr. Linky.

Mancat Monday - Mancat in the rain

Posted by Leo at 09:20

Monday 11 February 2008

Ooh - I's so excited. I just realized - I is a MANCAT! My humane bean, Wa-Wa, may have had my boy-baubles surgically removed when I was just a baby, but I is still a MANCAT - and proud! And this is my first ever Mancat Monday, cos I has only just got a blog. Well, I has to share it with big sis, Liberty, but today is my day - MANCAT MONDAY!!!

Well, for my first MM, here I is being a brave, tough Mancat, braving the dreadful weathers. I is sitting on my roof in a tropical Welsh typhoon. Look:

Here that rain? And the wind swishifying through all the trees? I was so brave. I could been blowed off that roof and drownified at any second. I is such a big, brave, tough Mancat. Oh - I smells bacon cooking. Gotta go! Bye!

P.S. Happy Mancat Monday. I hope to make lots of new Mancat friends, as my sister is BORING!!!

Finally Friday!

Posted by Leo at 14:09

Friday 8 February 2008

I has joined a meme! It are called Finally Friday, where cats talks about their weekend plans. I are so annoyed I has snot [see post belows]. Why? 'Cos I has plans for the weekend. Y'see, I has my eye on some preys. I has been watching a tribe of long-tailed tits (no, I are not saying dirty words, that is what they is called) for a long time. I wants one to play with. They looks like they would be fun to bash around. But they always eludifies me. It's not fair. I climbs up the sycamore tree every time I sees them. But they always gets away. This is what they looks like.

Long-tailed tit; Aegithalos caudatus
Originally uploaded by phenolog

If I can't finds the long-tailed tits, I wants to play with a goldfinch. There's a huge gang of them what hangs out in the big sycamore tree, too. One of them would look very pretty in my paws or betweens my jaws. Look:

European Goldfinch
Originally uploaded by ParaScubaSailor

If the birdies won't come out to play, I guess I'll has to find a mousie or a rat instead.

Originally uploaded by Big Fat Rat

I used to like bringing the mousies and the rats home through the cat flap. But my humane bean, Wa-Wa, did not appreciatify my gifts and she blocked up the cat flap. So now I has to leave them on the doorstep. If there be no rats or mousies either, I will have to torment Liberty and Wa-Wa. A mancat must has his fun somehows. So them is my plans for the weekend. What is you planning?

We have an award!

Posted by Jakey at 13:45

Hurrah! Our humane bean, Wa-Wa, has given us an award. It's because we have been good. Well, I've been good - and Leo hasn't bitten anybody this week. So we've got this lovely award from Wa-Wa - thank you very much.

Got the sneezies

Posted by Leo at 13:23

Oh noes! Or p'raps that should be 'oh nose'! I has snot, and I'm not liking it. It makes me sneezify all the time. The bum probe man (Wa-Wa calls him The Vet) says I has a cold, and not the flus, but I am sneezifying all the time. I sneezified all over Wa-Wa's laptop screen and she wasn't happy with me. And my throat is achy too, and I are losing my voice. But I can still eats - which is good. Plus Wa-Wa bought me a gorgeous new drieded food the other day. Brekkies Excel it is. Some bits is fishy shaped, but the others is like rolls, with tuna, trout and vegetably flavours on the outside, with crab-flavour in the middles. It are yummy! Snot is NOT yummy. I tasted it when I was having a wash. Bleck! Oh! I smells a salmon sandwich. Gotta go! Bye!

Wrong way round!

Posted by Leo at 21:10

Tuesday 5 February 2008

No fanks. I'd rather click cookie to accept mouse! What do I wants a stoopid choccie chip cookie for? That's strictly humane bean food. Now, mousie chip cookies would be a good idea.

Ooh, I hears plates clankifying in the kitchen. Gotta go! Bye!